Friday, October 8, 2010


I think more changes happen in your life in the first ten years out of college than any other time period for the rest of your life. Maybe that is why we have a committee that solely addresses our needs and that helps us navigate this period of great change. In the last seven years, I became actively involved in my career and evolved as a professional, dated a few guys here and there and had so much fun being young and carefree, getting to know myself. I traveled all over the world and made great friends. I met a great man, married him, bought a house, got two dogs and now this…

I am about nine months pregnant. I have about four weeks to go and my little boy is going to obviously change my whole life. That change I am thrilled about. What I am most concerned about, however, is the effect that he will have on my professionalism. I am completely unnerved by how I am going to maintain my loyalty to my athletes, maintain my high professional standards, and still be a great athletic trainer while balancing motherhood. I don’t know what to expect from motherhood or how that will fit into my career.

I don’t know one female high school athletic trainer with a small child, let alone an infant. I have no model or confidant in this process. I don’t know how 18 hour days will work with a new baby and I super am concerned about that amount of work I will be dumping on my husband by working my long hours. My job is the only part of becoming a mother that makes me nervous.

The YP years are full of change and full of firsts. No matter what the situation, we are nervous and anxious, and mostly uncertain. But just like my first job or my first day at a new place of employment, I will take on this on and do the best I can, making it up as I go along. If you see a big preggo on the sidelines in the next couple of weeks, give me a shout out; I’ll need the smiles and the support :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, Tiff you haven't popped that baby out yet! I wish I could leave you some great advice but I've never been in your current situation (if I ever am I'll be selling my story to the tabloids and retiring). The best I can do is leave a suggestion. How about checking out the mentor list on the SWATA web page and finding someone who has been in your situation? Good luck on your big day! - Troyce

Carissa Spraberry M Ed, ATC, LAT said...

Thank you for your honest and humble evaluation of a fear that I know continually haunts me. I think that this dilemma is one that all YPs can relate to, and I hope you keep us updated!
Just know that your professionalism inspires me and I'm sure it will continue to do so when you are a mom!